
Cheshire East: Flexilink

Ansa asked us to share the following information about the FlexiLink flexible transport service Ansa Transport operates on behalf of Cheshire East Council.

FlexiLink is a demand responsive, pre-bookable transport service providing an alternative means of travel for eligible Cheshire East residents:

  • With a disability, or
  • Who are aged 80 or over, or
  • Who live beyond the reach of any other public transport.

[That covers all of us here in Marton].

The fare is £3 per journey or free with a concessionary bus pass. Full details are on the website at Cheshire East Flexible Transport Service.

At Highways and Transport Committee in July, the committee approved a recommendation to launch a public consultation seeking views of users, residents and stakeholders on the future development of Flexilink. This consultation is open until 30 September 2023.

If you’d like to share your views about Flexilink, please go to the consultations page here and look for the Flexilink consultation: